2nd Cracow Maya Conference 2012, Poland
Water Management
Second Maya Symposium of the Department of the New World’s Archaeology
23 – 26 February, 2012

The Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University is pleased to announce the Second Cracow Maya Conference which will take place in Cracow, Poland on February 23-26, 2012. The main subject of the conference is: Water Management. Several papers devoted to the archaeology, epigraphy and iconography of the eastern Maya sites will be presented, including lectures on some recent and unpublished research data from several different projects. The conference will be followed by a two-day long Maya hieroglyphic workshop at the beginners and advanced levels.
The first day will be dedicated to the conference on the latest results of research on eastern Maya sites, including most recent and unplublished research results from a variety of projects.
Papers will be presented by :
- Estella Weiss-Krejci (University of Vienna)
Ancient Maya rain water reservoirs in northwestern Belize - Nicolaus Seefeld (University of Bonn)
Public provisions for dry seasons. The hydraulic structures of Uxul and their relevance for the survivability of the settlement - Wieslaw Koszkul & Jaroslaw Zralka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
Archaeological evidence for water management at the Maya site of Nakum, Peten, Guetamala - Harri Kettunen (University of Helsinki) & Christophe Helmke (University of Copenhagen)
Water in Maya Art and Writing - Dmitri Beliaev (Russian State University) & Alexander Safronov (Moscow State University)
Reconstructing Hydronymy of the Classic Maya Lowlands - Milan Kovác (Comenius University, Bratislava)
Ah Xok, un ser acuático lacandón- del tiburón a la sirena - Marcin Jacek Kozlowski (University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan)
Water Significance and its Management in Contemporary Maya Beliefs and Community Organization based on the Case of Tzotzil Group from Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico
The two-day epigraphic workshops will be taught in three levels and by experienced tutors and authors of the Maya Hieroglyps workshop Handbook. All workshops will be taught in English.
Beginners Level
Revisting the Usumacinta Sites: A Fresh Look at the Inscriptions of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan
Sven Gronemeyer, Boguchwala Tuszynska & Sebastian Matteo
Advanced Level 1
In the Land of Lakes and Rivers: Epigraphy of the Petexbatun Region
Dmitri Beliaev & Alexander Safronov
Advanced Level 2
The Three Towers: Caracol and the Political Landscape of the Classic Period
Harri Kettunen & Guido Krempel
For the entire event
- three-day workshop and symposium: 25 EUR
- Symposium: 10 EUR
Institute of Archaeology
Jagiellonian University
ul. Gołębia 11
Kraków, Poland
30 January, 2012
via the following address: maya.epigraphy@gmail.com
For more information, please contact:
Magdalena Rusek
Phone: +48 784 075 038
Email: magdalena.rusek@gmail.com
Monika Banach
Phone: +48 504 547 058
Email: mj.banach@gmail.com